If you’ve got a form on your website, you (or someone else in your organization) should be getting an email every time a submission is made. Chances are at some point, you’ll want to see all the entries that have been submitted. You may even want to organize them in a spreadsheet with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or a similar piece of software.
Why Do I Need To Download Entries?
Simply put, there are loads of reasons you may need to download any form’s entries. If you’re a church, and you need to collect updated contact information from your members, downloading a CSV file of all entries to an Information Update form allows you to import that data into your church directory or database. Maybe you’re a non-profit and have inquiries coming in daily from people interested in volunteering. You already use another system to organize those volunteers – imagine if you could download a spreadsheet that would allow you to put new volunteers in that system effortlessly! With the Gravity Forms system your Plexamedia site is running, downloading entries and using them as you wish is simple. Let’s look at the basics of getting form entries from your website onto your local computer.
Exporting Entries
First off, log in to your website. In the backend, you’ll see “Forms” on the left side menu. When you hover over it, from the dropdown that appears, click “Import/Export”. On this page, you’ll first select the form you want to export entries for. If you want to export the entries for multiple forms, you’ll have to do them one at a time.Once you’ve selected the form to be exported, you’ll get a list of options. These are the fields to export. You can select whichever fields you need, or just “Select All”. Next you’ll see Conditional Logic. This is an advanced feature beyond the scope of this article. Last you’ll see “Date Range” which allows you to set a range of dates to pull entries from.
When your settings are correct, click “Download Export File”. What is download is a CSV file, which can be used in a wide variety of applications, but can also be opened by Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel, and other spreadsheet software. Once opened in such a program, you can format, arrange, and organize the entries any way you’d like. If you have any issues downloading your form entries, and are a current Plexamedia customer, don’t hesitate to submit a support ticket at support.new.plexamediaint.wpengine.com and we’ll be glad to help you out immediately.