Is your business hosting a sale? Have an email list? Simply just wanting to get the word out about a moved location? Implementing a popup on your site could be the best way to get this information to your audience.
What is a popup?
A popup is an information box that shows over your website until a user clicks away from it. They can be triggered by time, immediately on arriving at the site, when the user mouses out of the window to exit, and more. Effectively, popups capture your audience to make them stop and read what your business is trying to tell them. Having a popup on your site for these instances can help grow engagement with your viewers. Statistics show that popups can increase audience interaction and can really boost whatever you’re trying to sell, whether that be products, attracting people to sign up for an email list, or anything else. It’s also been proven that popups attract a better click-through rate than any other type of ad.
Won’t it annoy people?
To be honest, it could. Chances are, done properly, it won’t be a distraction. Mainly, this comes down to whether or not the content of the popup is relevant to the visitor. Always ask yourself: is this something the visitor needs to know? Things like sales, new location opening, holiday hours, etc. are important info that are beneficial to the visitor and most likely won’t cause any grief. Something like a newsletter signup could irritate some people, unless they’re given some kind of incentive to sign up, such as a free ebook download.
How do I go about adding one to my site?
If you have a need for a popup on your site, we’d love to help you. If you’re a Plexamedia customer, start by sending us a support ticket with the information you’re wanting to include in the popup (this can be text, images, and more) and where/how you want the popup to show up on your site. This can be immediately, only on the home page, only on a certain page, when the user mouses out, and more! Once we’ve received your ticket, we’ll handle it from there. As always, we’re here to help you no matter what, and Plexamedia customers can reach our support at any time.
Popups on Websites: Examining Their Effectiveness
Popups are a common feature on many websites, but their effectiveness can be a topic of debate. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of using popups on websites, considering their impact on user experience, conversion rates, and overall effectiveness. While popups can be effective in certain situations, it’s important to approach their use with caution and consider the potential drawbacks they may pose.
Pros of Using Popups on Websites
- Attention-grabbing: Popups are designed to capture the attention of website visitors. They often appear front and center on the screen, making them hard to ignore. This can be useful in drawing attention to important announcements, promotions, or calls-to-action, and can potentially increase user engagement.
- Lead Generation: Popups can be an effective tool for collecting user information, such as email addresses, through forms. This can be used for lead generation purposes, allowing website owners to build their email list and establish direct communication with potential customers.
- Promotions and Offers: Popups can be used to promote special offers, discounts, or limited-time deals to incentivize visitors to take action. They can create a sense of urgency and drive conversions, particularly if the offer is compelling and relevant to the visitor’s needs.
- Exit Intent Popups: Exit intent popups are triggered when a visitor shows signs of leaving the website, such as moving their cursor towards the close button or navigating away from the page. These popups can be effective in capturing the attention of visitors who are about to leave and encourage them to stay or take a specific action before exiting the website.
Cons of Using Popups on Websites
- Intrusiveness: Popups can be seen as intrusive and interruptive, disrupting the user experience and potentially irritating visitors. Some users may find popups annoying or intrusive, leading to a negative impression of the website and brand. This can result in increased bounce rates and decreased engagement.
- Negative Impact on User Experience: Popups can disrupt the natural flow of browsing, interrupting the user’s interaction with the website’s content. They may also be frustrating on mobile devices, where the screen real estate is limited, and the small size of the popup can make it difficult to close or dismiss. This can lead to a poor user experience and lower overall satisfaction with the website.
- Ad-blockers: Many users employ ad-blockers to block unwanted advertisements, including popups. This can significantly reduce the visibility and effectiveness of popups, as they may not be displayed to users who have ad-blockers enabled, limiting their reach and impact.
- Decreased Trust and Credibility: Some users may perceive websites that use popups as less trustworthy or unprofessional. Popups can sometimes be associated with spam or malicious content, leading to decreased trust in the website and its offerings.
- Mobile Responsiveness: Popups may not be optimized for mobile devices, resulting in poor display and functionality on smaller screens. This can lead to a frustrating experience for mobile users and may negatively impact the effectiveness of popups on mobile devices.
Best Practices for Using Popups on Websites
If you decide to use popups on your website, it’s important to follow best practices to minimize the potential drawbacks and maximize their effectiveness. Here are some tips to consider:
- Timing: Consider the timing of your popups carefully. Avoid using popups that appear immediately upon landing on a page, as this can be intrusive and disrupt the user experience. Instead, consider using exit intent popups or delayed popups that appear after a certain period of time or when a specific action is taken.
- Relevance: Ensure that the content of your popups is relevant to the user’s needs and interests.